Communicative Affordances of Virtual Reality for Special Education: A Systematic Review
Special Education, Virtual Reality, Systematic Literature Review, Communication AffordanceAbstract
Virtual reality is an interactive technology that holds the potential to revolutionize the education system. This potential is promising in the case of Special education. Education for children with disabilities has always been a limited approach. However, virtual reality has altered the dimensions. The study looks into the extent of VR in the realm of Special Education through the lens of literature. The research employed a PRISMA-based Systematic Literature Review for the meta-analysis of thirty articles identified during the 2021-2024 period. The Communication Affordance theory allows us to identify and analyze the themes of Immersion, multisensory interaction, and Metaverse as tools of education, as evidenced by the literature. The study suggests that virtual reality is an effective source of education through activity-based learning and enhances the physical, social and cognitive capabilities of students with disabilities.
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