- Journal Title: The Regional Tribune
- Frequency: Annual
- 1st Volume: 2022
- ISSN (Print): 3006-8681
- ISSN (Online): 3006-8428
- DOI: 10.63062/trt
Publication Policy Agreement
“The Regional Tribune (TRT)" is committed to fostering a scholarly community dedicated to the advancement of regional research studies. By submitting their work to TRT, authors agree to abide by the following publication policies:
- Authors affirm that their submitted work represents original research and has not been published previously. Any prior or concurrent submission of the same work to other publications must be disclosed to the editorial team.
- All listed authors have made substantial contributions to the research and agree to take responsibility for the content of the manuscript. Authorship should accurately reflect the intellectual contributions of each individual involved in the study.
- Authors are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards in conducting and reporting their research. This includes obtaining necessary approvals for research involving human participants, animals, or sensitive data, and complying with relevant ethical guidelines.
- Authors certify that their work is original and does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. Plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, and other forms of research misconduct are strictly prohibited.
- Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation or credibility of the research findings. Financial, personal, or professional relationships that might be perceived as influencing the work should be disclosed.
- Authors acknowledge that their submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review process. They agree to respond to reviewer comments and provide necessary clarifications or revisions in a timely manner.
- Authors agree to provide access to the underlying data and materials supporting the research findings, subject to applicable ethical and legal considerations. Transparency in reporting methods, results, and limitations is essential to promote scientific integrity.
- Authors commit to following the formatting and submission guidelines provided by TRT. Manuscripts should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the journal's instructions to facilitate the review and publication process.
- Authors grant TRT the right to publish, reproduce, and distribute their work in both print and electronic formats. Proper attribution will be given to the authors, and any subsequent use of the work will be subject to the terms of the journal's licensing agreement.
By submitting their work to "The Regional Tribune (TRT)," authors acknowledge their understanding of, and agreement to these publication policies. The editorial team at TRT is dedicated to upholding these policies to ensure the integrity, transparency, and quality of the published research.