Developing Social Apps and Websites as a Tool of L2 Learning at (B.S) University Level Bahawalpur (City)
Social Apps, Websites, L2 Learning, University Level, YouTubeAbstract
These days, due to the advancement of technologies, numerous ways of learning have been introduced including social media platforms, especially social apps, websites and Youtube channels for L2 learning. In this research, the main focus is on social media tools and their effectiveness in second language learning at the university level. The main objectives of this study were to find highly recommended and reliable tools, to find the learners' opinions about social apps, websites, and Youtube channels, and to find the tools of learners' perception about the development of social tools in second language learning. In this research, for the collection of data, a semi-structured questionnaire was utilized, and the population of this research included the students of the 2nd & 3rd semesters of BS level at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The data was gathered from Eighty-six students in the English department and tabulated through SPSS version twenty-five. For the analysis of data, percentages, frequencies, mean, standard deviation, Independent sample T-test, and Non- non-parametric test were utilized. The results of the present study reveal that the majority of the students at the BS level utilize these tools for L2 learning, and these tools have a positive impact on students' performance. So, it is concluded that these tools should be utilized for second language learning at the university level, and this research would help the students, teachers, and institutions to understand the significance of social sites, apps, and YouTube channels for L2 learning.
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