Impulsivity, Non-suicidal Self-harm and Psychological Distress among Emerging Adult Offenders Incarcerated in Punjab, Pakistan Prisons
Non-suicidal Self-harm, Inmates, Impulsivity, Psychological Distress, OffendersAbstract
Previous research has exposed that non-suicidal self-harm and impulsivity are linked with psychological distress among incarcerated inmates in prisons. The current study investigated impulsivity, psychological distress and non-suicidal self-harm among emerging adult offenders incarcerated in Punjab, Pakistan prisons. A correlational research based on cross-sectional survey research design was conducted on a sample of N = 150 emerging adults incarcerated in Punjab Prisons in District Jail Faisalabad and Central Jail Gujranwala, Pakistan, via snowball sampling technique. The Impulsive Behavior Short Scale (I–8), DASS-21, and Suicidal Concern for Offenders in the Prison Environment (SCOPE-2) were used for data collection. The results indicated that impulsivity, psychological distress and non-suicidal self-harm have significant correlation. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that impulsivity was a significant predictor of psychological distress. Impulsive behaviour, non-suicidal self-harm and psychological distress can be attributed to a negative environment inside the prison environment.
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