Barriers and Opportunities: The Influence of Social and Cultural Dynamics on Girls' Secondary Education in Tribal Regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Girls’ Education, Guardians’ Decision, Socio-cultural Factors, Equity of Opportunity in Education, Legal Framework in PakistanAbstract
Girls' education is one of the persistent dilemmas facing mostly tribal regions of developing countries, including Pakistan. This study explores the complex social and cultural factors that influence girls' secondary education in the tribal regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, specifically focusing on the district Bajaur. The study aims to explore the barriers and opportunities surrounding post-primary girls' education. In this qualitative study, eighteen (18) male guardians of the girls were recruited for in-depth interviews using an interview guide through a purposive sampling technique. Thematic analysis technique was utilized to analyze the data while engaging "equity of opportunity in education" discourse as a theoretical framework to examine the socio-cultural dynamics of the region. The findings illustrate that most of the participants support both boys' and girls' secondary education, and many perceive the cultural environment as conducive to girls' secondary education. However, the study also reveals multifaceted challenges faced by young girls, including governmental neglect, illiterate parents, and the unavailability of educational facilities. These are the key barriers that discourage girls from pursuing post-primary schooling. The study offers key policy recommendations and highlights its theoretical and practical contributions to tackling the educational disparities faced by girls in tribal areas.
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