Exploring the Impact of Interactive Pedagogies on Self-Confidence and Tolerance among University Students


  • Dr. Bilal Shaukat Lecturer, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.




Self-confidence, (In)Tolerance, Classroom Activities, Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), Learner/Teacher-centred Approach


The aim of the research is to determine how students' self-confidence and tolerance levels in teacher-centred learning environments relate to one another. By using both quantitative and qualitative data, the relationship between the variables was determined. The Concurrent Triangulation Method (CTM) was used in conjunction with the Mix Method Research (MMR) technique to conduct the investigation. Ten focus group conversations were used to gather qualitative data, while an existing interpersonal tolerance measure was used to obtain quantitative data. Student self-confidence has a Pearson chi-square value of 66.738 and a p-value of.004, whereas classroom activities have a Pearson chi-square value of 78.768 and a p-value of.005. Both the qualitative and quantitative statistics demonstrate that kids who are self-assured exhibit a high degree of tolerance. The majority of teachers are too preoccupied with lecturing the class to provide proper attention to the reading, discussion, Q&A period, and student presentations, all of which have a negative impact on the students' tolerance levels. Students find it difficult to comprehend the diverse behaviours of others in such situations. Students would be more tolerant the more questions they asked, and the teacher allowed them to ask.

Author Biography

  • Dr. Bilal Shaukat, Lecturer, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Shaukat, B. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Interactive Pedagogies on Self-Confidence and Tolerance among University Students. The Regional Tribune, 3(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.63062/trt/V24.014